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Here are what customers like you are saying about us – You can take out sometime and share your review about our products and delivery. Feel free to write how you feel either positive or negative, as your negative reviews will help us improve and serve you better. At Best Dispensary Shop, there are no sacred cows, we are open to your opinion and critiques.

am a local dealer who buys bulk orders and resells on the streets. At first, it wasn’t easy sending out thousands of dollars but today I am proudly growing the plant with the seeds I received from Best Dispensary Shop. Thanks for changing my life, I will forever be a loyal customer.


Fast and Super delivery! The speed at which Best Dispensary Shop ships out products still baffles me, I bought an item and I got the package same day. I wonder if they are always standing by the shipping agency and waiting for orders (lol). Great services!


I was an anti-buy weed online until I stumbled on Best Dispensary Shop and successfully completed an order with bitcoin and my entire view of buying weed online changed. I am a meticulous person and for Best Dispensary Shop to pass my test, that means they are the best. I appreciate the good work you are doing here.

Ben McKay

This is the best online dispensary that I know and can vouch for, these guys saved my son’s life. Justin was very sick and a friend told me about Best Dispensary Shop, at first I was skeptical because I haven’t done online before but I gave it a try and to my greatest surprise, they delivered before noon and helped me administer it until Justin got well. I’m so grateful to Best Dispensary Shop ( Good Weed ), keep the good work going. Marijuana is medicine.

Katie Smith

Extremely Wonderful! I love this dispensary. I’ve been shopping on this website for the past one year and I have never experienced a single problem, it’s just like magic. If you’ve ever lost money online, you would understand the selfless services these guys are rendering here. I love you all at Best Dispensary Shop and thanks for discount you gave me on my last purchase.

Jenny Hills

In fact almost everyone in my neighborhood has the Best Dispensary Shop direction leaflet. You guys are the best online marijuana dispensary and we love you.

John Lee